Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Tale of the Survival of the Human Kind 2012-01-31

The Tale of the Survival of the Human Kind
Author   YoungGee Jeong
“ What is happening? Why is radiation so high? Jullian shrieked.
            Today is the first day of February 2012. It was just a normal day in a school full of nerdy kids in Washington D.C. Jullian was checking flashy gadgets around him as usual. Then, he noticed a high rise on radiation meter data. Something had to be wrong. What was happening?
            “Everyone! Listen to me. There has been a rise in radiation. Who would like to research with me about why with me?” asked Jullian.
            Silent. Nobody answered. Depressed, Jullian turned back strolled out of cafeteria. Then came a girl named Bamsi running down the hall to him asking if she could research about radiation rise with him. His face brightened. He accepted her to join.
After school, Jullian and Bamsi visited the science lab and looked for changes in radiation. After that, they looked for other changes in other meters. The vibrometer and seismometer had a rise telling that there was an increase in power of vibration waves under the ground. They saw the rise and they turned to computer to analyze data and see what was happening.
            “ There isn’t anything about increase in radiation or something else in Google,” reported Bamsi, ”neither in Bing.”
            Then this issue might me a secret. Lets hack the National Dangers Research Center,” told Jullian.
            The computer geniuses went on working. IP: 135-7612-… Soon, the code to access thee top-secret information was found. They typed in the code and there the page popped up. The page stated like this; the radiation is high across U.S. It was reported that the mSA (unit for the amount of radiation) was going to be over 20 mSA per year at this rate. Usually, people get 1 mSA per year. This much radiation could cause cancers and other negative effects.
            The information shocked both Jullian and Bamsi. The quickly shut of the NDRC page and planned a experiment to determine where that much radiation was coming from to know how to stop it to prevent harm to any.
            The data collected was terrifying. The Sun has a gigantic explosion every 10,000years and 2012 was one of the years. The Sun was showing signs getting ready for a blast.
            They knew the effects. The Earth’s magnetic fields will reverse which will cause migratory birds to head cold area causing deaths of the species. GPS wouldn’t work either. It could make people confused where they are going. But the greatest problem of al is that it will cause disturbance in Earth’s core, that would cause many natural disaster such as volcanoes over the world that would kill every human kind if t=not prepared.
            Jullian thought that humans should be preserved. Bamsi thought of the same. They began brainstorming for things they needed for survival. At last, they came up with a design and called it survival ball. A ball that is gyroscopic hanging on a giant non-popping balloon. The ball should have an outer layer that makes up the outer layer of the space shuttle to protect man in the ball. There should be life supplies like water and food, and life vests for emergencies.  It should be 14ft in diameter for 4-6 people group. The list continues on and on, and they found a problem. How would they make it?
            “ Are you ready?’ whispered Bamsi.
            “ Yes. Let’s go in,” answered Jullian.
            They walked in by the front door of CIA. They visited visitor complex and looked for a scientist that could understand the problem. Luckily, there was one, who had a doctorate degree in Disaster Predictions. Bamsi and Jullian noticed him and walked to him.
            “Hello, sir, ”kindly grinned Jullian.
            “Well, hi. How come did you kids visited CIA?” asked the scientist.
            “We found some signs of future Earth destruction. The radiation energy is rising all across U.S. We figured out it was coming from the Sun. The Sun has a gigantic explosion planned this year and nothing for 10,000 years. This explosion will reverse Earth’s magnetic field that would disturb Earth’s core, which will lead to volcano eruptions, tsunamis, extra-strong earthquakes, and more. So, we came up with a design that could protect people from death. This it the sketch,” explained Jullian handing the design of the survival ball.
            “If what you say is true, I shall investigate further in to this topic. Follow me,” scientist instructed.
            The room they arrived was full of gadgets and computer. The scientist typed something. Suddenly, the room darkened and a screen appeared. It showed 10 different meters and their data. All meter showed the same results. Higher instability. Then, the scientist loaded a program. It was a program that would able you to simulate the results of an instant reverse of Earth’s magnetic field. It indeed showed what Bamsi and Jullian explained.
            ‘You guys, how did you get these intelligence? No, no. Let me call the director first.”
The scientist dash out, took the phone, and dialed 001, director’s office.
            “Director, come to room instantly please!”
            There came the director- short man with nice brown hair with a pair of thick glasses.
            “What is happening and why are kids in you room?” barked the director.
            “These kids got important intelligence about the end of human kind. I checked the facts and what they said was true. They gave me a sketch of a ball that could preserve men,” scientist replied and gave the sketch to the director.
            “Kids, let me call you parents first to let you work on this project about the survival ball during or after school,” spoke the director,” and I need to ask you how did you get that information.”
            Director called their parents. Though at the beginning, they freaked out because it was CIA but at last, they understood the situation and allowed the kids to work on the project.
            Now it was time for some questioning. Jullian and Bamsi told the truth that they hacked into NDRC top-secret files for research. Director said there are in trouble. However, the director decided to keep this fact down until this project is done.
*//May 1st, 2012//*
            The D- Date (The day that humans will be perished) was predicted as December 21st of 2012. United States made 20 survival balls for 20 groups of 4-6 people. They decided to put first family in the 1st ball, second family on the 2nd ball, and one balls each for Jullian and Bamsi’s family. That left 16 balls for the rest.
            All over TV programs, radio and Internet was the word about the contest where government will pick 16 individuals to represent U.S. Millions of people came in and out of offline sites and online sites. And there were 16 final winners. One was a famous scientist, one was a mathematician, and another was CEO, person with highest IQ and so on.
            It was July already when there was the list, so CIA called all 20 of them and requested for training.
            “Hello, to all ladies and gentlemen gathered today. As you know, every each of you was picked because of you talents. The reason why we need you is because we have a mission that involves you. It’s a big mission to accomplish. In December 21st, this year, there would be the 6th great extinction. Your mission is to go in the survival ball that day and live there until the disasters finishes,” spoke the president.
            The first training session was on the parts of the survival ball.  Jullian and Bamsi started lecturing about what is what and when you should you use something. For example, the oxygen maker is for making oxygen and it will last one and a half months.
            On the second session, trainees learned about survival skills in the wild. Making fires and making clothes are few things that people learned that day.
            The days of training continued and finally, the days of endless training had ended. All 20 got super powerful on survival.
            November, it was when the training ended, and it was when the government announced that there is going to be end of the world and they have people who will preserve human specie by surviving on a ball called survival ball. Hundreds of millions of citizens panicked and bursted out their tears.
            The day had come. Today is 21st of December. Twenty individuals and their family boarded the ball. They got their seat belted and they got their minds ready.
            The sound waves bombed across U.S. People shut their eyes and ears and wished for luck. They knew this was only a start but this was only hope left. The volcano in the Yellow Stone National Park erupted. Soon, whitish gray flakes hovered on air and landed on people’s shoulders. People caught coughing. And a woman fell to the ground. 911 were there but unfortunately, she was dead. Another followed and another…
            Tsunami and earthquakes were another problem.  Seawater roared and gushed in to D.C.  The wall of 409ft sea level just wasn’t strong enough.  And the waves got the balls and they floated away.  
            Jullian’s ball flowed into Atlantic. It got further and further from the land. That when he saw D.C. breaking into two pieces by earthquakes. He just was too sad that he fell to the ground and started crying. It was horror to 12 years old boy to see people dying of volcanic ashes without having power to fight over.  People sinking into the water in this cold winter day. Deaths, he couldn’t bear this much it was too acrimonious.  Bamsi was also depressed but she had fortitude. She stood up and made a commitment that she would live and save human kind and live well.
            Day after day, survivors got tired. They had no taste either eager to eat. They got traumas.
            Beep woke Jullian up. Jullian looked for where it beeped and found the origin of the beep was computer. The computer said today was the 19th day in the sea.
            “Why did it beep?” questioned Jullian.
            Jullian checked why and there was good news. The disasters ended and they reached at the land.
            “Step down carefully,” said Bamsi’s mom.
            Bamsi too arrived at land. Bamsi looked around and saw a future city she imagined many years ago.
            “Mom, What do you see there?”
            “I see a future city,”
            Therefore, they walked into a electrical sidewalk to see what is this city about. Some of the citizens of the future city stared at Bamsi and her mother. Bamsi rolled her eyes around and found the government house. The house was magnificent. The building was covered with important news around city. Some of the panels showed the map of the city. Bamsi took a step inside the house and went up to level3-citizen registration.
            “Hello. How can I help you?” asked a clerk.
            “We are from the past. We have citizenship in United States of America. We want to live here.” answered Bamsi’s mom.
The clerks were surprised. They guided the time travelers to the registration kiosk.
            Bamsi got a new start in future city. She turned older and she turned smarter. One day, Jullian just came to her mind, which made her think where Jullian was - who made her live this wonderful life.
            “Jullian, come down and have a walk,” excitingly said Jullian’s dad.
            Jullian and his father took a walk. Then they found a huge hole that many adults can walk in. Jullian, full with curiosity ran down the hole. It was then that they reached a city underground. A huge light bulb, shined like a diamond in the dark on the middle of the city. They wandered around the streets looking for people and found robots.

            Jullian and his father became doctors in the city. They fixed robots and made robots. Jullian and his dad grew old eventually and Jullian was the only one left. He started to think about the upper world and who will be his bride. He climbed up the hole and ran straight up to the point he stepped years ago. Then he found a beautiful city. He began strolling in mystery like Bamsi did many years ago and found Bamsi, hugged her and went with her.

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