Thursday, February 6, 2014

Nature's Classroom essay

          What should Hillsborough County choose? Hillsborough County will have a choice between money and nature.  I think Hillsborough County shouldn’t allow Acme Tire Recyclers, Inc. I support my opinion with following reason:
          First, the process of recycling tire makes steam that is acidic and full of chemicals. The acidic chemicals could pollute the water of Tampa. The steam will form a cloud and that cloud will finally precipitate someday. The acidic precipitation has low pH. The low pH could burn skin to humans. But to fishes and other little creatures, the effect magnifies. The poor fish will get it’s gill burned and will die soon.
          Do not think the chemical only harms animals. They also harm people. By acidic\ chemical full precipitation, whole Tampa residents will get sick. Hillsborough River is 70% of Tampa’s water source. And other 30% is aquifers under the ground. By polluted precipitation, both water sources will also be polluted. I was on Nature’s Classroom, and saw that water oxygen was 3.5, which means the water isn’t very good. Fishes have hard time living there. And if chemicals flow in, the chemicals will react with oxygen and level will go down. Then, Tampa needs to find new water source.
          Also, there will not be any children in Nature’s Classroom any more in 5- 10-year period, because the animals that are sensitive will get killed. For example, frog breathes with skin. And skin needs clear water to breathe. But if there are chemicals, they’ll die because they can’t breathe. If this happens over years, the whole eco system on Nature Classroom will collapse because most animals will die. So there won’t be Nature’s Classroom on Hillsborough County.
           The temperature of river is one of the factors fishes or animals with gills will die. Because of increase of temperature, water could hold less oxygen and fishes will have less air to breaths so fishes will die. The important thing is that Acme Tire Recyclers make temperature go up.
          People get degusting water by fishes dying because died fishes decay. And process of fish decomposing also makes water to rot.  The water that is rot is really bad for humans. Do you want that?
           People say that recycling tires saves Earth’s resource so they help environment. However, it only helps abiotics (non- living things) not biotics (living things) like us. They cause more problems than solutions. The process of burning things makes dioxin, a chemical compound that is endocrine disrupter that may cause cancer. Also, the factory may spill hazardous chemicals that could kill things and cause diseases. Tires contain cadmium that causes that causes Itai-Itai disease. This disease makes it easier to break bones, and we couldn’t filter it by normal filtering systems we use now. In order to change the filtering system, it will cost a lot of money. Much more than the money the recycling facility pays for taxes. And if you don’t, and if the Itai-Itai disease are found and been discovered that drinking water caused it, Hillsborough County and the Acme needs to pay a lot of money for indemnity. This is not worth it.

          I highly recommend Hillsborough County to save the nature than to make a bit more money. I know that it’s hard time on economy, but I think long-term effects are more important than right situation. You could make money in one instance but you could not recover nature at one instance.  Think carefully. Think what’s more important to our future.

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