Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Nuclear Weapons

Over 60% of Koreans agree that South Korea should own a nuclear weapon. We fear that we couldn’t have a chance to defend against North Korea. As the whip of the government, I would like to emphasize our stance again, that South Korea should develop nuclear weapons. Let me quickly summarize our points to support our case. Our 1st speaker subjected that Korea could have a rise in its standings and can develop peace in the Korean peninsula leading to less war threats or even preventing any future wars. Then the 2nd speaker presented that we can gain a lot of technology which includes nuclear protection gears and technology to reuse nuclear waste and that we have every resource needed to develop a nuclear weapon. Before I point out fallacies found in the opposition’s arguments, I would like to list the points of contentions in this debate. They were                        ,                 , and                  . In opposition’s speeches, they believed ___________ on __________ clash. However, _______________ is ___________________

Overall, they have provided us with arguments about ______________ _______________ and ___________ and we have proven that they are not properly supported. Nuclear weaponry can improve our status in the world and may lead to advanced technologies. Since they have many advantages, we the government firmly believe that nuclear weapons for Korea will bring Korea positive outcomes. Thank you.

Total-----Our safety is our priority, not relations
The neighboring countries wouldn’t like it----- but by then we would be out of hands and would be powerful enough. Plus we could develop it in secret like Israel.
Dangerous-----we can develop technologies that we could safely store and research about the weapon
Dangerous------ As it might look dangerous, it is safer then fission reactor, the generator matter of fact. This weapon can maybe pollute a city but the reactor can contaminate a nation. For example, there were people living in Hiroshima after the bomb dropped but there are no people (not really) living near the accident of the fission reactor of Fukushima. Same goes for Chernobyl------over 40yrs of emptiness.
Nuclear weapons are dangerous-----Then why do we use nuclear power plant?
By developing nuclear weapons we can create a better protection for nuclear activity.
US will be upset and may start a war against us-----US wouldn’t come in-Iraq-went in, no weapons of mass destruction-----they wouldn’t want to commit same mistake as b4 losing a lllllloootttt of money
North Korea wouldn’t like it. -----We could continue peace---we can’t start a war and they wouldn’t threaten us.
Non-proliferation treaty, problems with US-------Agreement for cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Civil Use of Atomic Energy ends at June 16th, 2015 when it is 41yrs since June 16th , 1974 when the agreement was signed.

Dark sky has befallen to the skies of Hiroshima. A mushroom cloud appears out of nowhere and soon I fell into my doom. Imagine if this is happening everywhere around you. How horrible will it be? Nuclear bombs do great harm from environmental damage to fatalities of thousands. If South Korea develops a nuclear bomb, and as they will say just as a defense mechanism or for not detonating, there might as well be a possibility of firing it against another country, or especially for targeting North Korea. So here I would like to point out again that we, the opposition strongly believes that South Korea should not develop any kind of nuclear weaponry.  Our 1st speaker has presented the importance of trade in the Korean economy and our lack of resources to make a weapon of such. The 2nd speaker then provided the idea about easy access that terrorist will get for nuclear arsenals and the idea of numerous dangers of a weapon. Now that I have shortly explained our arguments, I will point out mistakes made during the propositions arguments. The proposition expressed that South Korea should own a nuclear weapon because of ________,__________,________. However these arguments include several fallacies. About the first clash that we discussed, about______, they have mentioned

Though the government gave numerous reasons to support their claim about South Korea owning a nuclear weapon, we found that the arguments were not supported with sufficient reasons. Nuclear weapons have great danger and are non-humanitarian. Therefore we pronounce that allowing South Korea with a nuclear weapon is not a positive choice. Thank You.

The non-proliferation treaty- the owning members of nuclear weapons should try to eliminate the weapon and the other countries that are joined in the act should not build any kind of nuclear weapon which includes missiles.
It can actually be used in war-------severe impact in both the other country’s ground and people.---killing the other country’s people (especially civilians) are also a murder. This is non-humanitarian act and does not abide to our ethics.
It might be attacked during war------radiation might leak and contaminate South Korea
Because our country will get hold of a greater power and influence, the other nations which includes the US, China and Japan might be threatened by our existence. This might lead into negative influence in our exports etc. In Korea trade is essential in the economy----lose trust---bad image of S.Korea lose exports 70% depends on Korea
Why do we have too?----- 1. we got a strong military. 8th in ranking. 2. Also there are countries like Germany or Luxemburg that does not have a nuclear weapon though is a considered as developed nation. They might have it under NATO but they do not own it. 3. And is wasting money ----low percentage of war chance.
Nuclear weapons need to be tested before used or equipped. We need to test it but if we do it in our grounds, our soil will get polluted. Also, it is just not safe. Add to it, it might negatively affect our relations with US.
                When US leaves N. Korea will have a better chance of attacking us. 2. Ad to it N. Korea might just be angry with nukes. They are already upset with joint military practices.
Exports are very important to us 70% of economy depends on exports
US cannot go in----yes they can. If they have actual evidence.
Economy or economic power does not necessarily relate with influence that is earned from nuclear weapons. They cannot ignore you but see our consumers from other country is usually US,
China----they have nuclear weapons. They will not be really influenced by our status earned from Nuke. They might actually put on a embargo to limit our economy and protect their own country.
Can achieve a greater world power-------However, being a world power also involves trust between nations. If we go against the non-proliferation treaty, we will lose the trust. Also, without trust, we will lose exports and we cannot have an economic growth in near decades. Economic factor is another major factor that influences the nation’s position. 

We might have other chances to gain our trust back-----------If we think of Made in China, we get a negative image. The image of a nation works the same way. They can’t be undone.

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