Thursday, February 6, 2014

embedded assessment springboard 1 2011-10-17

Movement from Korea to United States of America          I am going to explore new world. I will soon start exploring. I am going to a new country named United States of America. This event changed my life forever.
          It is about January and my mom was preparing to go to university in US to get doctorate degree. I am hoping any university accepts my mom because I will be able to stop the hateful English institute named CDI, acronym for ChungDam Institute. Moreover, time passed it was about March in 2010. “YoungGee, I am accepted to University of South Florida!” My mom announced cheerfully.  University of South Florida accepted her to doctorate degree! I was so happy because first, I could stop going to institute, second, I could explore a new country, and third, I could escape the Korea, my homeland- full of academies and institute. I had no fear about it. I was just exiting. Therefore, my mom went to embassy of United States in Seoul, South Korea to get visa- a sticker I put on the passport, says that I am allowed for staying on the county who is accepting for notified period. In addition, thankfully she got visa. She packed materials for a quite a time.
           Tomorrow is a day that my mom is departing to US and we should pack but we are not done completely. Therefore, mom, dad, sister and I are packing still though it was 1 AM already. We are packing some seaweed by food vacuum sealer to reduce volume. Unfortunately, some of the seaweed popped the cover because of its sharp edge and we have to pack that seaweed again. Then we packed blankets with another kind of vacuum sealer, too. We have many things to move before we move away. I am tired of work that night but I when I thought of moving, I was still exited. Well, I had some sadness because I suddenly noticed the loving dolls we have and there is a huge amount of them so we could not get them all to air plane. Moreover, I couldn’t meet mom for a month. I slept and it is a day my mom is going.” Bye mom! See you next month.” I shouted.
          It is a day before departure. Today, I am having very different time than today morning. I am feeling so sad. I do not know why I am so sad because I was happy at the morning and in daylight! I do not understand. I am crying right now in the dark. I was leaving my grandma in Korea alone and tonight am last days to say have a good bye and I was still exited in the day time and I hadn’t had any chance to say it. Every second I am thinking of grandma and got a feeling that I am getting farther from her every second. “ I’ll miss you grandma.” I said while I was going sleep hardly.
          Today is a day. It is about 8AM in 20th of August 2010. I am leaving Korea today. I was heading to departing ramp. I came inside with my sister and my dad but not grandma. I, unfortunately, because of brain full of thoughts of grandma, I cried again. Soon I was doing security checks, and ran because of shortness of time. My plane will soar to North American continent, or precisely, United States of America. However, there was really no need to run. I had 40 minutes left on my schedule. About 20 minutes later, the flight attendants asked for who less than 16 years old and is alone or if you’re a family with little kids. I am with my little sister so I boarded. I was feeling very important to be going away and proposed to learn and be better. Without any noticing, I felt much much better. “Thank you. Step inside.” Kindly said the flight attendant.
           I am on Korean Airlines, Top Korean airline company. I am sitting quietly on economy seat near the wing. I just thought about leaving since I was so sad about it last night and I want to test if I still am. However, surprisingly I was normal. I do not have feelings any more. The only thing on my mind is about flying and meeting my mom. Then the plane departed. On other words, I am locked on my seat for 13 hours except I could go to restroom. I am watching sky and TV. I am kind of bored now. Thankfully, something helped me from getting angry about boringness. It is dinnertime. I am eating Korean style meal, called Bibimbab- food you need to mix rice with lots of other ingredients mostly plants and chilly pepper sauce. (Which is really hot.)  Then I am sleeping. I woke up after few hours later.  I am checking time and it was almost landing time.  Finally, I landed.” We have perfectly landed in Atlanta, Georgia. Welcome to America.” Said the pilot. I am too anxious to make a step to US. It will be pretty amazing.
          I am walking down from and there; I am taking my first step in US, here is Atlanta, Georgia. Then I shouted,” Yeah I have done it!” My next flight is 2 hours and 30 minutes later so I am in hurry. There are no good effects in hurrying. I’m in the line to show my visa to get verified resident of US for how many years. It’s taking about 30 minutes and my turn came. The officer I walked into is really careful letting me go. And my companion, though I am his companion, dad is not able to speak English well so I am doing all the work. Finally, the officer let me go. “ You may go.” Said the visa-checking officer. In mean time if I passed the visa counter, I am now legal resident of United States. ‘This event is changing my life I guess.’ I thought. I also felt calmer than before. Any way I am in hurry, so I should go.
          I am flying from Atlanta to Tampa. As I touch the window, it was hot and it means Atlanta is hot. It made me think that Tampa will be really hot. Then with my tiredness of 13-hour plane ride before, I slept again. As the plane landed, I am going out of Tampa international airport and found out that one of our baggages was lost. So I am going to claim center. Then my mom arrived with Ford Explorer 2007 XLT, our new car. “ Welcome to florida!” mom shouted excitingly. Finally I headed to our house.
          I arrived at my house, Promenade in West Meadows, New Tampa. It is two stories high. It looks like a pension to me because in Korea, there are only apartments and two story houses are where families go for vacation. (Do not think apartments in Korea have bad conditions like here. Korea’s ones are luxurious.) As soon as I walked in to 2nd floor, the flaming hot air welcomed me.” Welcome! You will need to train to this hot climate of Florida! Or else you will return to Korea! Hahaha!” teased the flaming hot air to me. After that I am sleeping again because Korea and Tampa has 13 hours of time zone difference. In the dream I am thinking about palm trees on the road. Also I am thinking about nature and swimming pools. I like that bird with long legs. And I liked these low houses without elevators.

          Today is August 24th 2010 and is the first day at school. It only had been 4 days since I came here. I am in Harold H. Clark Elementary School in 5th grade. My homeroom teacher is Mrs. Marsee. “ Hello, Dorothy.” Greeted Mrs. Marsee. I think I like this class. I feel much comfortable here than Korea. I like 21 people classroom not 36 people. So now I could get more turns doing things. There are cool friends out here. In Korea, people are jealous of me being smart. But I do not think most of the students in here will do that to me. Today, I heard that there is AGP class with gifted students. I want to go there! was my instant thought today. I liked my day at school. It was not that nervous about school after all than I thought. Maybe I just match with this country.

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