Thursday, February 6, 2014

ibt essays

People are motivated to study because of various reasons. I consider myself more of a studious person then my friends. There are some aspects of studying that motivates me particularly.
                What can you get from studying? The most primary outcome is knowledge. I love knowledge. I feel intelligent and I feel as if I am better than others. Also, with knowledge, I can answer questions that I couldn’t have before knowing it. Knowledge itself attracts me to learn and understand it.  Though it may sound radical, I am interested in boys that have excellent intellects.  I first look at their knowledge and then something else.
To earn plenty of money, people say a person should get a good job. And to get a good job, I believe that person should be an alumnus of a good university. So it all leads down to studying. One of the reasons why I study is because I want a nice job and I want a pleasant life. It is not assured to have a job from big companies like Apple or Google, but at least a person can get a chance to apply. I am currently studying hard with the dream of being accepted into a safe company which will give nice amount of salary for a pretty long time.
                Money is one aspect but there is a greater cause for studying. There is a job that I want to take, not because of money but because of what I can do by getting a job. I want to become the president of the United States. I want to become a president to change Medicare into a more reliable one, for every single citizen of America. Also I want to revive the economy to make US lead other nations again. The former presidents came out of Ivy colleges and were famous lawyers and statesmen. And to be in the same position, I’ve got to study hard and go to famous universities.
                  Studying can sometimes be irritating, full of messy questions and solutions. However, I have a goal, a goal that I aim with all my power-I will make my dream come true. And to earn it, I am studying, with this motivation in my heart.

                People complain the traffics, early time they have to wake up, the boss and everything. However, they still go to work. Why are they doing jobs that they don’t want? By this we can infer that quite a lot of people go to their work just because they have to earn money. So I believe that money is the most important aspect of a job.
                Adults always say get a good job, like a doctor or judge.  There is an important link between these two jobs. Their names have fame and mean stable but high incomes. Then, from these two aspects, we can say that fame and income are important. But someone can earn fame by earning money. For example, with money, a person can buy places in the government and befriend politicians who would give you some seats in the congress. Being a congressman means fame and as you can see from the beginning, it was bought from money. So the superiority belongs to money.
                One’s interest is something that matters when choosing a job. Staying at a job for period like 40 years doing something a person hate is worth a brain disease. However, people commonly stay at their stable jobs because they want to work for a long time without much fluctuation even though they might not actually like the work they do. What happens when a person just decides to quit a job and look for a more interesting job? Some people may get a better job but some never find one again or go back to a job worse than the one preceding it.
                If someone goes to company that gives little money, that personal may not earn as much money for three years than from good company in a year. For retirement, a person should leave part of their income into their savings. However, if the income is so tiny that someone can only spend; there would be problems for their future. The income people earn from companies affect their future. How much a company gives, therefore is a very important factor.

                Job shouldn’t be chosen only based on how much salary a company gives. However, it should be an important factor since it affects your present and future life. Also, because you will work probably for a company in your life, it would be hard to change so choose it well.

          The price to raise children in the United States lies high. After all, a family needs to spend about $260,000 for a child since he or she is born till they become 21. Because of these high prices, many families in America decide only to have one or no kids. The passage pointed out the reasons for why the price might lie high and the lecture responded by providing suggestions to solve the problems.
          The price of health care is considerably espensive in the US conpared with other countries. And even with this care plan, parents may have to spend tens of thousands of dollars if their children gets burt by hot water or so. The lecture provides two solutions; prevention and education. According to the lecture, if extreme cleanness is practiced, fewer allergies might occur during the child's life. This is a prevention for any sickness, instead of a treatment which might cause medical bills. The second solution that she provided was education on safety. Parents can teach their kids to play safe and stay out from boiling water to keep them out of harm. With these two solutions, the lecturer believes that the parents could save some money raising a kids.
          Another problem that arose from raising kids is the price of education. According to the passage, parents in America tend to spend a third more in education than the parents living in Europe. The passage points out that it is because of private tutoring . The lecturer again provided two suggestions to lower the price. She believed that parents should only provide additional tutoring for subjects of the child's interests, unlike teaching everything from academics to music. She believed that spending dollars on stuff that the child doesn't like it waste of money. She said it's not that the child will become the second Mozart. The second suggestion was not to spend too much money on edcational software, especially if the child is not interested in academics.
          In conclusion, the lecturer provided many solutions to what the passage have provided, about the high price of raising a child in America. With these methods, the woman said the parents could save a few thousand bucks out of this.

          In my life, there are quite a few moments that I could say it was extremely happy. But if I were to pick my best, it would be the moment when I was placed first in my whole grade. There are several reasons why I might think it is my best but I suppose there are three that would prove my thought.
          I was a lonely kid. I was kind of a person to stand out of anyone's way, and they didn't try to near me. But after this event, many of the classmates became nice to me and we became friends. Becoming the first stood me out, seperate from others but they began to notice me. The first reason why I say becoming the first in the grade was the best thing that happen to my life is because I made good friends, friends who care about me. Because of this event, many things changed. I had some one to talk to during the breaks. Also, I had people who would support me for what I say. I also became the vice president of the class with these friends help. The power of this incidence held me up.
          Making good friends aren't the only reason why I picked it as my best; it literally provided some spots in advanced classes and such. I wasn't a original member of a science development class. In the second semester, when it was time to change the members, I was the only one new who got in. Teachers recognized me and picked me for that class. By that, I recieved a fair quality education. Also, I was able to get principal's recommendation out of some others. Academics became more fun with these special benefits and helped me also to keep my grades up.
          Finally, I gained teachers' trust. First, they just thought I was a normal student out of 380. But I emerged my self out of the crowd and became known. The teachers know me and they ask me for many things. I feel proud and I gain my confidence with it. Also, they like me and I like the attention.
          That event that changed my life greatly in a good way and so I consider it the happiest moment I confronted in the world yet. And so, I believe that it was my best moment of all.

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