Friday, February 21, 2014

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

I've read the book yesterday-the whole thing and though it was sad for a period of time in the end, I loved the ending...... Ask me any questions if you wish.

Edward Tulane finally meets loved one and he is glad for it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Links to my essays etc

Plastic bag science fair
prez. debate
math traveling project
Current events 3 2011-2012
Pablo Picasso Spanish project
cell webquest
About UN----MUN
Child abuse MUN
Pick Gary Johnson----essay
Moving to USA embedded assessment 2
Holes--Embedded Assessment
LDC--technology affecting our lives
About Antartica
Current events MR. P
Current events 1 MR P
Seedfolks essay
Gauss ----CTY project
Research paper--plastic bag science fair
Hormuz strait
egypt project
A choice of exellence---7th grade EA 1
Disney brochure
current events 2 ---MR.P
plastic bag science fair  procedures results etc.
north africa ppt 6th grade
germany french proj
fan blade science fair
Skinny bones 5th grade
genorocity and greed

Sochi winter games

Are you guys having fun watching it?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Tale of the Survival of the Human Kind 2012-01-31

The Tale of the Survival of the Human Kind
Author   YoungGee Jeong
“ What is happening? Why is radiation so high? Jullian shrieked.
            Today is the first day of February 2012. It was just a normal day in a school full of nerdy kids in Washington D.C. Jullian was checking flashy gadgets around him as usual. Then, he noticed a high rise on radiation meter data. Something had to be wrong. What was happening?
            “Everyone! Listen to me. There has been a rise in radiation. Who would like to research with me about why with me?” asked Jullian.
            Silent. Nobody answered. Depressed, Jullian turned back strolled out of cafeteria. Then came a girl named Bamsi running down the hall to him asking if she could research about radiation rise with him. His face brightened. He accepted her to join.
After school, Jullian and Bamsi visited the science lab and looked for changes in radiation. After that, they looked for other changes in other meters. The vibrometer and seismometer had a rise telling that there was an increase in power of vibration waves under the ground. They saw the rise and they turned to computer to analyze data and see what was happening.
            “ There isn’t anything about increase in radiation or something else in Google,” reported Bamsi, ”neither in Bing.”
            Then this issue might me a secret. Lets hack the National Dangers Research Center,” told Jullian.
            The computer geniuses went on working. IP: 135-7612-… Soon, the code to access thee top-secret information was found. They typed in the code and there the page popped up. The page stated like this; the radiation is high across U.S. It was reported that the mSA (unit for the amount of radiation) was going to be over 20 mSA per year at this rate. Usually, people get 1 mSA per year. This much radiation could cause cancers and other negative effects.
            The information shocked both Jullian and Bamsi. The quickly shut of the NDRC page and planned a experiment to determine where that much radiation was coming from to know how to stop it to prevent harm to any.
            The data collected was terrifying. The Sun has a gigantic explosion every 10,000years and 2012 was one of the years. The Sun was showing signs getting ready for a blast.
            They knew the effects. The Earth’s magnetic fields will reverse which will cause migratory birds to head cold area causing deaths of the species. GPS wouldn’t work either. It could make people confused where they are going. But the greatest problem of al is that it will cause disturbance in Earth’s core, that would cause many natural disaster such as volcanoes over the world that would kill every human kind if t=not prepared.
            Jullian thought that humans should be preserved. Bamsi thought of the same. They began brainstorming for things they needed for survival. At last, they came up with a design and called it survival ball. A ball that is gyroscopic hanging on a giant non-popping balloon. The ball should have an outer layer that makes up the outer layer of the space shuttle to protect man in the ball. There should be life supplies like water and food, and life vests for emergencies.  It should be 14ft in diameter for 4-6 people group. The list continues on and on, and they found a problem. How would they make it?
            “ Are you ready?’ whispered Bamsi.
            “ Yes. Let’s go in,” answered Jullian.
            They walked in by the front door of CIA. They visited visitor complex and looked for a scientist that could understand the problem. Luckily, there was one, who had a doctorate degree in Disaster Predictions. Bamsi and Jullian noticed him and walked to him.
            “Hello, sir, ”kindly grinned Jullian.
            “Well, hi. How come did you kids visited CIA?” asked the scientist.
            “We found some signs of future Earth destruction. The radiation energy is rising all across U.S. We figured out it was coming from the Sun. The Sun has a gigantic explosion planned this year and nothing for 10,000 years. This explosion will reverse Earth’s magnetic field that would disturb Earth’s core, which will lead to volcano eruptions, tsunamis, extra-strong earthquakes, and more. So, we came up with a design that could protect people from death. This it the sketch,” explained Jullian handing the design of the survival ball.
            “If what you say is true, I shall investigate further in to this topic. Follow me,” scientist instructed.
            The room they arrived was full of gadgets and computer. The scientist typed something. Suddenly, the room darkened and a screen appeared. It showed 10 different meters and their data. All meter showed the same results. Higher instability. Then, the scientist loaded a program. It was a program that would able you to simulate the results of an instant reverse of Earth’s magnetic field. It indeed showed what Bamsi and Jullian explained.
            ‘You guys, how did you get these intelligence? No, no. Let me call the director first.”
The scientist dash out, took the phone, and dialed 001, director’s office.
            “Director, come to room instantly please!”
            There came the director- short man with nice brown hair with a pair of thick glasses.
            “What is happening and why are kids in you room?” barked the director.
            “These kids got important intelligence about the end of human kind. I checked the facts and what they said was true. They gave me a sketch of a ball that could preserve men,” scientist replied and gave the sketch to the director.
            “Kids, let me call you parents first to let you work on this project about the survival ball during or after school,” spoke the director,” and I need to ask you how did you get that information.”
            Director called their parents. Though at the beginning, they freaked out because it was CIA but at last, they understood the situation and allowed the kids to work on the project.
            Now it was time for some questioning. Jullian and Bamsi told the truth that they hacked into NDRC top-secret files for research. Director said there are in trouble. However, the director decided to keep this fact down until this project is done.
*//May 1st, 2012//*
            The D- Date (The day that humans will be perished) was predicted as December 21st of 2012. United States made 20 survival balls for 20 groups of 4-6 people. They decided to put first family in the 1st ball, second family on the 2nd ball, and one balls each for Jullian and Bamsi’s family. That left 16 balls for the rest.
            All over TV programs, radio and Internet was the word about the contest where government will pick 16 individuals to represent U.S. Millions of people came in and out of offline sites and online sites. And there were 16 final winners. One was a famous scientist, one was a mathematician, and another was CEO, person with highest IQ and so on.
            It was July already when there was the list, so CIA called all 20 of them and requested for training.
            “Hello, to all ladies and gentlemen gathered today. As you know, every each of you was picked because of you talents. The reason why we need you is because we have a mission that involves you. It’s a big mission to accomplish. In December 21st, this year, there would be the 6th great extinction. Your mission is to go in the survival ball that day and live there until the disasters finishes,” spoke the president.
            The first training session was on the parts of the survival ball.  Jullian and Bamsi started lecturing about what is what and when you should you use something. For example, the oxygen maker is for making oxygen and it will last one and a half months.
            On the second session, trainees learned about survival skills in the wild. Making fires and making clothes are few things that people learned that day.
            The days of training continued and finally, the days of endless training had ended. All 20 got super powerful on survival.
            November, it was when the training ended, and it was when the government announced that there is going to be end of the world and they have people who will preserve human specie by surviving on a ball called survival ball. Hundreds of millions of citizens panicked and bursted out their tears.
            The day had come. Today is 21st of December. Twenty individuals and their family boarded the ball. They got their seat belted and they got their minds ready.
            The sound waves bombed across U.S. People shut their eyes and ears and wished for luck. They knew this was only a start but this was only hope left. The volcano in the Yellow Stone National Park erupted. Soon, whitish gray flakes hovered on air and landed on people’s shoulders. People caught coughing. And a woman fell to the ground. 911 were there but unfortunately, she was dead. Another followed and another…
            Tsunami and earthquakes were another problem.  Seawater roared and gushed in to D.C.  The wall of 409ft sea level just wasn’t strong enough.  And the waves got the balls and they floated away.  
            Jullian’s ball flowed into Atlantic. It got further and further from the land. That when he saw D.C. breaking into two pieces by earthquakes. He just was too sad that he fell to the ground and started crying. It was horror to 12 years old boy to see people dying of volcanic ashes without having power to fight over.  People sinking into the water in this cold winter day. Deaths, he couldn’t bear this much it was too acrimonious.  Bamsi was also depressed but she had fortitude. She stood up and made a commitment that she would live and save human kind and live well.
            Day after day, survivors got tired. They had no taste either eager to eat. They got traumas.
            Beep woke Jullian up. Jullian looked for where it beeped and found the origin of the beep was computer. The computer said today was the 19th day in the sea.
            “Why did it beep?” questioned Jullian.
            Jullian checked why and there was good news. The disasters ended and they reached at the land.
            “Step down carefully,” said Bamsi’s mom.
            Bamsi too arrived at land. Bamsi looked around and saw a future city she imagined many years ago.
            “Mom, What do you see there?”
            “I see a future city,”
            Therefore, they walked into a electrical sidewalk to see what is this city about. Some of the citizens of the future city stared at Bamsi and her mother. Bamsi rolled her eyes around and found the government house. The house was magnificent. The building was covered with important news around city. Some of the panels showed the map of the city. Bamsi took a step inside the house and went up to level3-citizen registration.
            “Hello. How can I help you?” asked a clerk.
            “We are from the past. We have citizenship in United States of America. We want to live here.” answered Bamsi’s mom.
The clerks were surprised. They guided the time travelers to the registration kiosk.
            Bamsi got a new start in future city. She turned older and she turned smarter. One day, Jullian just came to her mind, which made her think where Jullian was - who made her live this wonderful life.
            “Jullian, come down and have a walk,” excitingly said Jullian’s dad.
            Jullian and his father took a walk. Then they found a huge hole that many adults can walk in. Jullian, full with curiosity ran down the hole. It was then that they reached a city underground. A huge light bulb, shined like a diamond in the dark on the middle of the city. They wandered around the streets looking for people and found robots.

            Jullian and his father became doctors in the city. They fixed robots and made robots. Jullian and his dad grew old eventually and Jullian was the only one left. He started to think about the upper world and who will be his bride. He climbed up the hole and ran straight up to the point he stepped years ago. Then he found a beautiful city. He began strolling in mystery like Bamsi did many years ago and found Bamsi, hugged her and went with her.

Nice list of stems and roots

Nature's Classroom essay

          What should Hillsborough County choose? Hillsborough County will have a choice between money and nature.  I think Hillsborough County shouldn’t allow Acme Tire Recyclers, Inc. I support my opinion with following reason:
          First, the process of recycling tire makes steam that is acidic and full of chemicals. The acidic chemicals could pollute the water of Tampa. The steam will form a cloud and that cloud will finally precipitate someday. The acidic precipitation has low pH. The low pH could burn skin to humans. But to fishes and other little creatures, the effect magnifies. The poor fish will get it’s gill burned and will die soon.
          Do not think the chemical only harms animals. They also harm people. By acidic\ chemical full precipitation, whole Tampa residents will get sick. Hillsborough River is 70% of Tampa’s water source. And other 30% is aquifers under the ground. By polluted precipitation, both water sources will also be polluted. I was on Nature’s Classroom, and saw that water oxygen was 3.5, which means the water isn’t very good. Fishes have hard time living there. And if chemicals flow in, the chemicals will react with oxygen and level will go down. Then, Tampa needs to find new water source.
          Also, there will not be any children in Nature’s Classroom any more in 5- 10-year period, because the animals that are sensitive will get killed. For example, frog breathes with skin. And skin needs clear water to breathe. But if there are chemicals, they’ll die because they can’t breathe. If this happens over years, the whole eco system on Nature Classroom will collapse because most animals will die. So there won’t be Nature’s Classroom on Hillsborough County.
           The temperature of river is one of the factors fishes or animals with gills will die. Because of increase of temperature, water could hold less oxygen and fishes will have less air to breaths so fishes will die. The important thing is that Acme Tire Recyclers make temperature go up.
          People get degusting water by fishes dying because died fishes decay. And process of fish decomposing also makes water to rot.  The water that is rot is really bad for humans. Do you want that?
           People say that recycling tires saves Earth’s resource so they help environment. However, it only helps abiotics (non- living things) not biotics (living things) like us. They cause more problems than solutions. The process of burning things makes dioxin, a chemical compound that is endocrine disrupter that may cause cancer. Also, the factory may spill hazardous chemicals that could kill things and cause diseases. Tires contain cadmium that causes that causes Itai-Itai disease. This disease makes it easier to break bones, and we couldn’t filter it by normal filtering systems we use now. In order to change the filtering system, it will cost a lot of money. Much more than the money the recycling facility pays for taxes. And if you don’t, and if the Itai-Itai disease are found and been discovered that drinking water caused it, Hillsborough County and the Acme needs to pay a lot of money for indemnity. This is not worth it.

          I highly recommend Hillsborough County to save the nature than to make a bit more money. I know that it’s hard time on economy, but I think long-term effects are more important than right situation. You could make money in one instance but you could not recover nature at one instance.  Think carefully. Think what’s more important to our future.

사회 독후감 중1

사 회 독 서 활 동 소 감 문
시작과 변화를 바라보며
에릭 호퍼
읽기 시작한날: 2013/12/28
다 읽은 날 : 2013/12/30
이 책을 선정한 이유는?
보통의 사회, 역사책과 다른 관점을 가지고 있어서 이 책을 선정했다.
무엇에 관하여 쓴
에릭 호퍼의 눈으로 본 역사로, 인간이란 창의성이 핵심이라는 주장과, 도시로 하여금 자연으로부터 보호 받을 때 비로써 자유를 획득할 수 있다 설명하고 있다.
책에 나온 배경(역사 관련 책인 경우)
에릭 호퍼(글쓴이)
책을 읽으면서 가장 기억에 남는 문장은?
인간은 불완전성이라는 불치병으로 인해 진정 어른으로 성장하지 못하는 결정적인 특성을 갖게 되었다. 인간은 세상에서 영원히 청부지로 머물러 있는 유일한 동물이고, 그런 아이에게 놀이터는 역량과 재능을 평칠 수 있는 이상적인 공간이다.
2. 시카고에서 시위하는 젊은이들을 그저 애들이라고 부르는 요즘, 실제로 진짜 애들을 얼마 없다는 것이 이 사회의 모순된 현실이다.
3. 아시아, 아프리카, 남미의 후진 국가에 대한 미국의 원조는 엘리트보다는 보통 사람들의 요구에 초점을 맞추어야 한다. 후진국 국민에게 주는 선물을 자립할 수 있는 능력이어야 한다.
책의 줄거리, 느낀 점 등을 자유롭게 서술하시오.
에릭 호퍼는 그 당시, 그 시대의 지식인들과는 다른 삶을 살았다. 그는 어렸을 때 사고로 시력을 잃
었다. 하지만 15살이 되던 해 시력을 다시 되찾고 내일은 못 볼 수도 있다는 생각을 가지고 독서에
몰두하여 공교육의 혜택 없이도 사회 철학자로 남게 되었다. 하지만 그의 생업은 따로 있었다. 그는
여러 분야에 종사하며 노동자로서 살았고, 그래서 그는 자신들 같은 노동자들이 자율적으로 노력
하여 지금의 미국을 만들었다 주장하였다. 에릭 호퍼의 책은 두 파트로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 첫 파트
에서는 창의력을 중요성을 꿰뚫어 보고 있다. 저자는 도시의 탄생을 예로 다루어 설명하고 있는 데
그의 기본적 주장은 다음과 같다; 농경, 바퀴, 문자와 같은 진보적인 발상들은 도시에서 탄생했다.
그는 일이라는 굴레에 박혀 살아가는 촌락에서 어떤 새로운 일이 발생하겠냐고, 또 모험으로 가득 찬
사냥꾼의 생활에서, 희열을 느끼며 살아가는 생활에서 도시가 탄생했다 주장하였다. 이 부분에서 그
의 주장은 드러난다. 창의성은 놀이를 할 때, 여유가 있을 때, 한 마디로 개방된 상태에 발휘되고 이
를 통해 발명도, 도시도, 심지어는 이라는 행동자체도 만들어졌다. 한마디로, 창의성은 우리를 인
간으로 만드는 무엇이라 할 수 있다. 두 번째 파트는 미국의 성장 비결, 그리고 미국의 변화에 대해
설명하고 있다. 일단 미국이 지금의 나라가 된 배경은 선택된 소수, 엘리트가 처리하였던 일을 평범
시민 누구나 참여하여 해낼 수 있다. 이런 개개인의 창의성을 존중하고, 이들 중 뛰어난 지도자가 탄
생할 수 있는 문화가 일구어 낸 산출이다. 사업을 창조해 내고 발전을 이끌어 나가 기술의 발전을 도
모했던 이런 미국이 지식인 중심의 사회로 나아가 정체 되고 있다 저자는 지적하고 있다. 그리고 신

기술, 혁신으로 경제가 활성화 될 수 있다 생각한다. 나는 저자의 생각에 전적으로 동의하지는 않는
. 다만, 그의 생각들이 현세의 사람들과 사뭇 다르기에 인상이 깊었고, 또한 1960년대에 쓴 책이
만 현대시대의 문제나 창의성의 중요성을 부각해 주어 미래 지향적 사고를 가졌다 생각되기도 하였

embedded assessment springboard 1 2011-10-17

Movement from Korea to United States of America          I am going to explore new world. I will soon start exploring. I am going to a new country named United States of America. This event changed my life forever.
          It is about January and my mom was preparing to go to university in US to get doctorate degree. I am hoping any university accepts my mom because I will be able to stop the hateful English institute named CDI, acronym for ChungDam Institute. Moreover, time passed it was about March in 2010. “YoungGee, I am accepted to University of South Florida!” My mom announced cheerfully.  University of South Florida accepted her to doctorate degree! I was so happy because first, I could stop going to institute, second, I could explore a new country, and third, I could escape the Korea, my homeland- full of academies and institute. I had no fear about it. I was just exiting. Therefore, my mom went to embassy of United States in Seoul, South Korea to get visa- a sticker I put on the passport, says that I am allowed for staying on the county who is accepting for notified period. In addition, thankfully she got visa. She packed materials for a quite a time.
           Tomorrow is a day that my mom is departing to US and we should pack but we are not done completely. Therefore, mom, dad, sister and I are packing still though it was 1 AM already. We are packing some seaweed by food vacuum sealer to reduce volume. Unfortunately, some of the seaweed popped the cover because of its sharp edge and we have to pack that seaweed again. Then we packed blankets with another kind of vacuum sealer, too. We have many things to move before we move away. I am tired of work that night but I when I thought of moving, I was still exited. Well, I had some sadness because I suddenly noticed the loving dolls we have and there is a huge amount of them so we could not get them all to air plane. Moreover, I couldn’t meet mom for a month. I slept and it is a day my mom is going.” Bye mom! See you next month.” I shouted.
          It is a day before departure. Today, I am having very different time than today morning. I am feeling so sad. I do not know why I am so sad because I was happy at the morning and in daylight! I do not understand. I am crying right now in the dark. I was leaving my grandma in Korea alone and tonight am last days to say have a good bye and I was still exited in the day time and I hadn’t had any chance to say it. Every second I am thinking of grandma and got a feeling that I am getting farther from her every second. “ I’ll miss you grandma.” I said while I was going sleep hardly.
          Today is a day. It is about 8AM in 20th of August 2010. I am leaving Korea today. I was heading to departing ramp. I came inside with my sister and my dad but not grandma. I, unfortunately, because of brain full of thoughts of grandma, I cried again. Soon I was doing security checks, and ran because of shortness of time. My plane will soar to North American continent, or precisely, United States of America. However, there was really no need to run. I had 40 minutes left on my schedule. About 20 minutes later, the flight attendants asked for who less than 16 years old and is alone or if you’re a family with little kids. I am with my little sister so I boarded. I was feeling very important to be going away and proposed to learn and be better. Without any noticing, I felt much much better. “Thank you. Step inside.” Kindly said the flight attendant.
           I am on Korean Airlines, Top Korean airline company. I am sitting quietly on economy seat near the wing. I just thought about leaving since I was so sad about it last night and I want to test if I still am. However, surprisingly I was normal. I do not have feelings any more. The only thing on my mind is about flying and meeting my mom. Then the plane departed. On other words, I am locked on my seat for 13 hours except I could go to restroom. I am watching sky and TV. I am kind of bored now. Thankfully, something helped me from getting angry about boringness. It is dinnertime. I am eating Korean style meal, called Bibimbab- food you need to mix rice with lots of other ingredients mostly plants and chilly pepper sauce. (Which is really hot.)  Then I am sleeping. I woke up after few hours later.  I am checking time and it was almost landing time.  Finally, I landed.” We have perfectly landed in Atlanta, Georgia. Welcome to America.” Said the pilot. I am too anxious to make a step to US. It will be pretty amazing.
          I am walking down from and there; I am taking my first step in US, here is Atlanta, Georgia. Then I shouted,” Yeah I have done it!” My next flight is 2 hours and 30 minutes later so I am in hurry. There are no good effects in hurrying. I’m in the line to show my visa to get verified resident of US for how many years. It’s taking about 30 minutes and my turn came. The officer I walked into is really careful letting me go. And my companion, though I am his companion, dad is not able to speak English well so I am doing all the work. Finally, the officer let me go. “ You may go.” Said the visa-checking officer. In mean time if I passed the visa counter, I am now legal resident of United States. ‘This event is changing my life I guess.’ I thought. I also felt calmer than before. Any way I am in hurry, so I should go.
          I am flying from Atlanta to Tampa. As I touch the window, it was hot and it means Atlanta is hot. It made me think that Tampa will be really hot. Then with my tiredness of 13-hour plane ride before, I slept again. As the plane landed, I am going out of Tampa international airport and found out that one of our baggages was lost. So I am going to claim center. Then my mom arrived with Ford Explorer 2007 XLT, our new car. “ Welcome to florida!” mom shouted excitingly. Finally I headed to our house.
          I arrived at my house, Promenade in West Meadows, New Tampa. It is two stories high. It looks like a pension to me because in Korea, there are only apartments and two story houses are where families go for vacation. (Do not think apartments in Korea have bad conditions like here. Korea’s ones are luxurious.) As soon as I walked in to 2nd floor, the flaming hot air welcomed me.” Welcome! You will need to train to this hot climate of Florida! Or else you will return to Korea! Hahaha!” teased the flaming hot air to me. After that I am sleeping again because Korea and Tampa has 13 hours of time zone difference. In the dream I am thinking about palm trees on the road. Also I am thinking about nature and swimming pools. I like that bird with long legs. And I liked these low houses without elevators.

          Today is August 24th 2010 and is the first day at school. It only had been 4 days since I came here. I am in Harold H. Clark Elementary School in 5th grade. My homeroom teacher is Mrs. Marsee. “ Hello, Dorothy.” Greeted Mrs. Marsee. I think I like this class. I feel much comfortable here than Korea. I like 21 people classroom not 36 people. So now I could get more turns doing things. There are cool friends out here. In Korea, people are jealous of me being smart. But I do not think most of the students in here will do that to me. Today, I heard that there is AGP class with gifted students. I want to go there! was my instant thought today. I liked my day at school. It was not that nervous about school after all than I thought. Maybe I just match with this country.

MUN intro essay

Global issues are one of my favorite matters I like to look into. Therefore, I am so glad that I can finally join MUN team in 7th grade. I believe MUN would be a great way of showing my talent on debating using my critical thinking skills.
            Global issues are important to me because when I grow up, I would like to be an ambassador. As you know, an ambassador is a diplomat on its highest rank that has to meet other countries’ high officials and equivalent. To the ambassadors, global issues are their highly prioritized subjects since it is their job to deal with it. I look at the international news section often to see what is going on and imagine what will I do if I were to solve this problem. I discuss these issues with my dad and sometimes we find out ways that issues can be resolved. Every time I came to the end of these discussions, I wonder how happy will I be to do what I love, global issues.
            One of the global issues that I am interested in is about Julian Assange, a famous Australian activist who founded WikiLeaks. He is now staying in Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he is resisting arrest from British government. UK is trying to send Assange to Sweden where he is facing allegation of sexual assault. Then Sweden wants to extradite him to US where he could face charges of leaking secretive information about Iraq and Afghanistan war reports. I am interested upon him these days because he is the founder of WikiLeaks, a non-profit organization that publishes secrets of governments and companies. I believe if UK gets him out of Ecuador in London and he faces charges against him, his corporation would get an enormous damage. I wonder what will happen next to him.
          Although it is not about international issues, US Politics is a very appealing subject to me. On November 6th, 2012, United States Presidential Election will happen. Governor Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama are going to compete against each other. A week ago, there was Republican National Convention, here at Tampa, Florida from August 27th-30th. Though I didn’t get to watch the full videos I did see the result. Governor Romney is the presidential nominee and Congressman Ryan is the vice-president nominee for the Republicans. On September 3rd-6th, there was Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. President Obama and Vice-President Biden are the Democratic nominees for this year’s election. I am very exited to see who will win this race and govern this country well into a better condition.

           I believe I would be an asset to MUN team because I have skills on delivering speeches and ideas clearly. When I was 7, I was invited to national speech contest by all-English kindergarten to compete with others from different parts of South Korea. Also, I am taught to think critically to speak persuasively using various details. I use those skills in school to write essays and to discuss my opinions. In addition, I am a risk taker, who is not afraid of speaking out. I can express my thoughts in a clear tone with supporting reasons, persuasively. So pick me as a MUN member to represent Williams IB Middle Magnet School. 

ibt essays

People are motivated to study because of various reasons. I consider myself more of a studious person then my friends. There are some aspects of studying that motivates me particularly.
                What can you get from studying? The most primary outcome is knowledge. I love knowledge. I feel intelligent and I feel as if I am better than others. Also, with knowledge, I can answer questions that I couldn’t have before knowing it. Knowledge itself attracts me to learn and understand it.  Though it may sound radical, I am interested in boys that have excellent intellects.  I first look at their knowledge and then something else.
To earn plenty of money, people say a person should get a good job. And to get a good job, I believe that person should be an alumnus of a good university. So it all leads down to studying. One of the reasons why I study is because I want a nice job and I want a pleasant life. It is not assured to have a job from big companies like Apple or Google, but at least a person can get a chance to apply. I am currently studying hard with the dream of being accepted into a safe company which will give nice amount of salary for a pretty long time.
                Money is one aspect but there is a greater cause for studying. There is a job that I want to take, not because of money but because of what I can do by getting a job. I want to become the president of the United States. I want to become a president to change Medicare into a more reliable one, for every single citizen of America. Also I want to revive the economy to make US lead other nations again. The former presidents came out of Ivy colleges and were famous lawyers and statesmen. And to be in the same position, I’ve got to study hard and go to famous universities.
                  Studying can sometimes be irritating, full of messy questions and solutions. However, I have a goal, a goal that I aim with all my power-I will make my dream come true. And to earn it, I am studying, with this motivation in my heart.

                People complain the traffics, early time they have to wake up, the boss and everything. However, they still go to work. Why are they doing jobs that they don’t want? By this we can infer that quite a lot of people go to their work just because they have to earn money. So I believe that money is the most important aspect of a job.
                Adults always say get a good job, like a doctor or judge.  There is an important link between these two jobs. Their names have fame and mean stable but high incomes. Then, from these two aspects, we can say that fame and income are important. But someone can earn fame by earning money. For example, with money, a person can buy places in the government and befriend politicians who would give you some seats in the congress. Being a congressman means fame and as you can see from the beginning, it was bought from money. So the superiority belongs to money.
                One’s interest is something that matters when choosing a job. Staying at a job for period like 40 years doing something a person hate is worth a brain disease. However, people commonly stay at their stable jobs because they want to work for a long time without much fluctuation even though they might not actually like the work they do. What happens when a person just decides to quit a job and look for a more interesting job? Some people may get a better job but some never find one again or go back to a job worse than the one preceding it.
                If someone goes to company that gives little money, that personal may not earn as much money for three years than from good company in a year. For retirement, a person should leave part of their income into their savings. However, if the income is so tiny that someone can only spend; there would be problems for their future. The income people earn from companies affect their future. How much a company gives, therefore is a very important factor.

                Job shouldn’t be chosen only based on how much salary a company gives. However, it should be an important factor since it affects your present and future life. Also, because you will work probably for a company in your life, it would be hard to change so choose it well.

          The price to raise children in the United States lies high. After all, a family needs to spend about $260,000 for a child since he or she is born till they become 21. Because of these high prices, many families in America decide only to have one or no kids. The passage pointed out the reasons for why the price might lie high and the lecture responded by providing suggestions to solve the problems.
          The price of health care is considerably espensive in the US conpared with other countries. And even with this care plan, parents may have to spend tens of thousands of dollars if their children gets burt by hot water or so. The lecture provides two solutions; prevention and education. According to the lecture, if extreme cleanness is practiced, fewer allergies might occur during the child's life. This is a prevention for any sickness, instead of a treatment which might cause medical bills. The second solution that she provided was education on safety. Parents can teach their kids to play safe and stay out from boiling water to keep them out of harm. With these two solutions, the lecturer believes that the parents could save some money raising a kids.
          Another problem that arose from raising kids is the price of education. According to the passage, parents in America tend to spend a third more in education than the parents living in Europe. The passage points out that it is because of private tutoring . The lecturer again provided two suggestions to lower the price. She believed that parents should only provide additional tutoring for subjects of the child's interests, unlike teaching everything from academics to music. She believed that spending dollars on stuff that the child doesn't like it waste of money. She said it's not that the child will become the second Mozart. The second suggestion was not to spend too much money on edcational software, especially if the child is not interested in academics.
          In conclusion, the lecturer provided many solutions to what the passage have provided, about the high price of raising a child in America. With these methods, the woman said the parents could save a few thousand bucks out of this.

          In my life, there are quite a few moments that I could say it was extremely happy. But if I were to pick my best, it would be the moment when I was placed first in my whole grade. There are several reasons why I might think it is my best but I suppose there are three that would prove my thought.
          I was a lonely kid. I was kind of a person to stand out of anyone's way, and they didn't try to near me. But after this event, many of the classmates became nice to me and we became friends. Becoming the first stood me out, seperate from others but they began to notice me. The first reason why I say becoming the first in the grade was the best thing that happen to my life is because I made good friends, friends who care about me. Because of this event, many things changed. I had some one to talk to during the breaks. Also, I had people who would support me for what I say. I also became the vice president of the class with these friends help. The power of this incidence held me up.
          Making good friends aren't the only reason why I picked it as my best; it literally provided some spots in advanced classes and such. I wasn't a original member of a science development class. In the second semester, when it was time to change the members, I was the only one new who got in. Teachers recognized me and picked me for that class. By that, I recieved a fair quality education. Also, I was able to get principal's recommendation out of some others. Academics became more fun with these special benefits and helped me also to keep my grades up.
          Finally, I gained teachers' trust. First, they just thought I was a normal student out of 380. But I emerged my self out of the crowd and became known. The teachers know me and they ask me for many things. I feel proud and I gain my confidence with it. Also, they like me and I like the attention.
          That event that changed my life greatly in a good way and so I consider it the happiest moment I confronted in the world yet. And so, I believe that it was my best moment of all.